The Sauk County Housing Authority has been awarded 15 Emergency Housing Choice Vouchers (EHV) by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The EHVs target individuals and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness, survivors of domestic or sexual violence and victims of human trafficking. SCHA has partnered with the Balance of State Continuum of Care and County Continuum of Care to accept referrals from qualifying households. ALL referrals for the EHV program MUST come from the Continuum of Care (CoC); families that believe they may be eligible for Emergency Housing Voucher assistance should contact the CoC for Sauk County.
Renewal Unlimited-CWCAC Coordinated Entry: 608-355-4812 or 608-742-5329
The Balance of State Continuum of Care (Serving all counties except Racine, Dane and Milwaukee) 715-598-3301